Contact Information of the Office of Design Olympiads (OoDO)
Contact Information of the Office of Design Olympiads (OoDO)
The Office of Design Olympiads (OoDO) can be contacted via the e-mail address below:
Depending on the volume of the communication traffic, there may be 1-3 day delays in response times.
Contact Information of the Council of Design Olympiads (CoDO)
Contact Information of the Council of Design Olympiads (CoDO)
The members of the Council of Design Olympiads (CoDO) can be contacted via the e-mail address below:
Depending on the volume of the communication traffic, there may be 3-7 day delays in response times.
Become a sponsor of the Design Olympiads
Become a sponsor of the Design Olympiads
If you want to sponsor the Design Olympiads, you can contact the Office of Design Olympiads (OoDO) via the email address below.
Depending on the volume of the communication traffic, there may be 1-3 day delays in response times.